Empowering Progress, Uplifting Voices

At The Brad & Ashley Stuver Foundation, our vision is a world where every community thrives and every voice is heard. We dedicate ourselves to creating lasting impact by championing social justice causes that resonate with our core values.

Our Mission: Fostering Progress Through Empathy and Advocacy

The mission of The Brad & Ashley Stuver Foundation is to spearhead fundraising initiatives and leverage our platform to support local non-profits dedicated to advancing social justice and uplifting underrepresented groups. We stand at the forefront of change, recognizing the importance of promoting equality, inclusivity, and empowerment.

Core Focus Areas:

  1. Social Equity: We strive to live in a world where individuals of all races, sexual orientations, and gender identities can live authentically, free from discrimination. Our focus is on supporting organizations that provide resources, advocacy, and community-building for our communities.

  2. Voting Rights Advocacy: We believe in the power of democracy and are committed to ensuring equitable access to the ballot box. By supporting initiatives that protect and expand voting rights, we aim to strengthen the foundation of our democratic society.

  3. Reproductive Rights: A person’s right to make decisions about their own body is fundamental. We support organizations that champion reproductive rights, providing education, access, and advocacy for individuals to make informed choices about their reproductive health.

  4. Current Initiatives (The Laundry Project): In partnership with our friends at Current, we are committed to fostering hope within communities, and our dedication lies in educating and mobilizing communities to become purveyors of hope through impactful projects such as the Laundry Project.

  5. Animal Rights and Welfare: Recognizing the interconnectedness of all living beings, we advocate for the rights and welfare of animals. By supporting organizations that work towards the humane treatment of animals, we strive to create a more compassionate and sustainable world.

Our Commitment:

Driving Change Through Collaboration

The Brad & Ashley Stuver Foundation is committed to fostering collaboration among like-minded organizations, businesses, and individuals. By harnessing the power of collective action, we amplify the impact of our initiatives, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond our immediate reach.

Together, we envision a future where compassion, equality, and justice prevail, empowering communities and paving the way for a more inclusive and progressive world.

Brad & Ashley Stuver