Empowering Progress, Uplifting Voices

Fostering Progress Through Empathy and Advocacy

At The Brad and Ashley Stuver Foundation, our mission is to foster progress through empathy and advocacy. We are dedicated to creating a compassionate and inclusive world where every individual is empowered to thrive. Through heartfelt understanding and consistent advocacy, we strive to bring positive change to the lives of those in need. Our commitment to empathy drives us to connect with diverse communities, bridging gaps and fostering a sense of shared humanity. By amplifying the voices with more lived experiences and advocating with them, we aim to build a society that values compassion, equality, and justice. Together, we embark on a journey to create lasting impact, inspire change, and build a brighter future for all.

Partner Organizations

The Brad and Ashley Stuver Foundation partners with various non-profit organizations, focusing on local and state-wide organizations whose goals align with the core values of our organization. Our list of organizations is not exhaustive, and we are always looking for new organizations to partner with.

As an organization, our goal is to continue learning and educating ourselves and our community by listening to experts on various topics. We have collected educational materials from our partner organizations to help others with their advocacy journey.

Continuing Education

Support for Communities

Our work is made possible because of the amazing people in our community. It is the collective effort, knowledge, and willpower that makes progress possible. Take a look at some of the events and the people that make change happen.